Performance WOD 3= 7 Minute Diane Ladder (1,1- 2,2- 3,3….) Total Reps
-Men’s Rx- 225 lb Deadlift, Hand Stand Push Ups
-Men’s Scaled- 155 lb Deadlift, Hand Release Push Ups
-Women’s Rx- 155 lb Deadlift, Hand Stand Push Ups
-Women’s Scaled- 105 Deadlift, Hand Release Push Ups
Movement Standards = RX
In Performance Workout 3, each athlete has 7 minutes to complete as
many rounds and reps as possible of Deadlifts and Handstand Push Ups in a
classic ladder. The rep scheme is simple 1 Deadlift + 1 Handstand Push
Up (Round 1), 2 Deadlifts + 2 Handstand Push Ups (Round 2), 3 Deadlifts +
3 Handstand Push Ups (Round 3), and continue up the ladder for 7
-For the Deadlift, each athlete must clearly demonstrate full hip
extension by coming to a full standing position on each rep. This
includes the athlete’s knees and hips coming to a full lock out with
straight arms at the top of each rep.
-For the Handstand Push Up, the movement starts with the athlete in a
handstand position with their arms completely locked out, feet against
the wall. At the bottom of each rep, the head clearly touches the
ground. At the top of the rep, when the athlete has pressed out, the
arms must be clearly locked out. In order to be considered a rep, two
must things must occur.
-One, the athlete's feet cannot come off the wall further then one’s hips prior to lock out.
-Secondly, the athlete’s feet cannot be any wider than one's hands.
-Lastly, Kipping is allowed.
Movement Standards = Scaled
In Performance WOD 3, each athlete has 7 minutes to complete as many
rounds and REPS as possible of Deadlifts and Hand Release Push Ups in a
classic ladder. The rep scheme is simple 1 Deadlift + 1 Hand Release
Push Up (Round 1), 2 Deadlifts + 2 Hand Release Push Up (Round 2), 3
Deadlifts + 3 Hand Release Push Up (Round 3), and continue up the ladder
for 7 minutes.
-For the Deadlift, each athlete must clearly demonstrate full hip
extension by coming to a full standing position on each rep. This
includes the athlete’s knees and hips coming to a full lock out with
straight arms at the top of each rep.
-For the Hand Release Push Up, the movement starts with the athlete
at the top of a plank position, arms straight and completely locked out.
At the bottom of each rep, the athlete’s chest must clearly touch the
ground; hands come off the mats so that one's body is resting on the
ground. At the top of the rep when the athlete has pressed out, the arms
are clearly locked and one’s body is back into the original plank. In
order to be considered a rep, two things must occur.
-One, the athlete's feet must remain on the ground throughout the
entire movement. In no way, can one use their feet to "kick off" the
mats in order to assist them with the push up.
Secondly, athletes are not allowed to "worm out" or lose Mid-Line Stabilization as they press out.