Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Results must be submitted by Sunday 10/28 11:59pm ET and are the number of REPs you complete

In Performance WOD 4, each athlete has 12 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of: 30 Burpee Box Jumps, 30 Overhead Squats, 30 Toes to Bars, and 10 Muscle Ups.
Men's Rx- 30 Burpee Box Jumps (30 in), 30 Over Head Squats at 115 lbs, 30 Toes to Bar, 10 Muscle Ups

Men's Scaled- 30 Burpee Box Jumps (20 in), 30 Over Head Squats at 45 lbs, 60 AbMat Situps, 40 Pull-ups, 40 dips
Women's Rx- 30 Burpee Box Jumps (24 in), 30 Over Head Squats at 80 lbs, 30 Toes to Bar, 10 Muscle Ups
Women's Scaled- 30 Burpee Box Jumps (16 in), 30 Over Head Squats at 30 lbs, 60 AbMat Situps, 40 Pull-ups, 40 dips

For the Burpee Box Jumps, at the bottom of each burpee, the athlete's hips and chest must make clear contact with the ground. From there, both feet simultaneously must leave the ground and land on top of the box. You must come to full extension at the knees and hips for each rep to count.
For the overhead squats, the athlete must demonstrate control by maintaining the bar overhead with arms/elbows completely locked out for the entire movement. At the bottom of the squat, the hip and butt must be just below parallel and the crease of the knee. Once at the top, the athlete must stand all the way up to full extension so that one's knees and hips are completely open for each rep to count.
For the toes-to-bar, the athlete must start from a full hang; arms and hips straight and fully extended, to having both feet simultaneously touch the pull up bar. At the bottom of the hang position, the athlete's feet must come back behind the bar, not in front for each rep to count.
In the muscle-up, the athlete must start each rep from a hanging position, into a full lock out position above the hanging rings. False grips and kipping are allowed, but fixed rings or straps will not be permitted. In terms of the swing or kip, we will not allow one's feet to clear the height of the rings or any other variation that's not demonstrated in the video above. Also, all rings must be set 1 fist above the athlete's reach.
If an athlete is able to complete an entire round they will start over and continue through the WOD for a second round adding each REP to their total.
In Performance WOD 4, each athlete has 12 minutes to complete as many reps as possible of 30 Burpee Box Jumps, 30 Overhead Squats, 60 AbMat Sit Ups, 40 Pull Ups and 40 Dips.
For the Burpee Box Jumps, at the bottom of each burpee, the athlete's hips and chest must make clear contact with the ground. From there, both feet simultaneously must leave the ground and land on top of the box. You must come to full extension at the knees and hips on top of the box for each rep to count.
NOTE: For Scaled Athletes we will allow Burpee step ups as an alternative to box jumps. The athlete must still come to full extension at the knees and hips on top of the box for the rep to count.
For the overhead squats, the athlete must demonstrate control by maintaining the bar overhead with arms/elbows completely locked out for the entire movement. At the bottom of the squat, the hip and butt must be just below parallel and the crease of the knee. Once at the top, the athlete must stand all the way up to full extension so the that one's knees and hips are completely open for each rep to count.
For AbMat Sit Ups, athletes are required to "butterfly" their feet; bottom of shoes are touching. Athletes must start in upright position with arms out no further then 90 degrees. Must precede all the way back so that both shoulder blades make contact with the floor. Swinging of the arms will NOT be prohibited. At the top of the sit-up, the athlete is required to touch their toes NOT their heels for each rep to count.
For the pull ups, you can choose from either Dead-hang, Butterfly, or Kipping Pull Ups. As long the athlete's arms are fully extended in the hang position and the chin clears the horizontal plane of the bar for each rep to count.
For the ring dips, the movement starts with the athletes arms completely locked out above the rings. The athlete will be required to go below parallel, ring to arm pit. The athlete must return back to full lock out position in order for the rep to count.
If an athlete is able to complete an entire round they will start over and continue through the WOD for a second round adding each REP to their total.
Please NOTE:
Your score is your total REPs completed in the 25 Minute AMRAP.If you come to a movement that you cannot perform, your score will be the number of reps you completed up to that point.
For Scaled comptetitors, we will allow Burpee step ups in substitution of box jumps for the Burpee Box Jump portion.

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