Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3 Rounds
- 3 Strict Press
- 3 Push Press
- 3 Split Jerks
*Rest 2 Minutes after each exercise. All loads will be @ 75% of 1RM for each movement.*
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Olympic Lifting classes start tomorrow (Wednesday @ 6:30pm) 
These will be a 3 week progression for each lift with the 4th week being used to obtain a 1RM - so you won't be able to move on to the next progression until you complete the one before (you can join in any time but you will have to do the progressions in order)  Reminder - classes will alternate between Wednesday one week and Tuesday the next - See schedule tab here on the website if you have any questions... These classes will be useful for all members including newer coaches to learn the proper techniques when doing the Olympic Lifts! Proper form and technique helps you to lift heavier with less risk of injury... Any questions - get with Coach Keith!
For time:

 15 foot Rope climb, 10 ascents
225 pound Back squat, 20 reps
30 Handstand push-ups
Row 40 calories
U.S. Army Sergeant Dale G. Brehm, 23, of Turlock, California, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based in Fort Lewis, Washington, died on March 18, 2006, when he came under small arms fire from enemy forces during combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. He is survived by his wife Raini, father William, stepmother Linda, and mother Laura Williams.

Monday, May 27, 2013

 Barbell Work
EMOM x 15 minutes
1st 5 minutes- 3 Power Cleans EMOM @75%
2nd 5 minutes- 2 Power Cleans EMOM @80%
3rd 5 minutes- 3 Power Cleans EMOM @70%
100 Double-unders
50 Toes-to-bar
50 Double-unders
25 GHD Sit-ups

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

***Few announcements***

-There will be no Unconventional WOD on Saturday due to our Compound Adventure Race at York River State Park - hope everyone has been training!! Reminder all participants need to be there for race brief at 10am sharp!!!  If you are volunteering - check with Ryan when he needs you there!

-There will still be a Fundamentals class on Saturday at 8:30am - so if you want to get started - come check us out.  It is free.  All new members must complete 3 fundamental classes before joining in the regular classes. (questions - see any of the coaches)

-Change in Fundamental classes schedule - these are held on Saturdays at 8:30am, Tuesdays at 5:30pm and Thursdays at 6:30pm (only change is Tuesday time)
5X3 Tempo Front Squats @ 80% – rest 60 sec.
4 Rounds
7 Push Jerks 155/105
14 Pistols (alt.)
28 Double Unders

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettle Bell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-ups

Monday, May 20, 2013

 15 minutes to find 1RM Snatch Balance
12 Minute AMRAP
4 Muscle-ups
8 Deadlifts 185/120
12 Box Jumps 24/20
 Mobility For week 5/20

Sunday, May 19, 2013

** Attention**
There will be NO 5am class Monday 5/20 due to a power outage. We have a electrician coming to look at it tomorrow. All class times (other than 5am) will be held Monday 5/20. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Bench Press

3 Rounds
Rest 90 seconds between sets
(Light-Moderate- Heavy. Weight will stay the same for each step, all 3 rounds.)


For Time:

800m Run

5 Rounds

10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
10 Burpees


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

***Save the date***
Sunday, June 16th - Beach WOD/BBQ/Farewell to our very own Stephenie Shaw
 Held at Chic's Beach - WOD at noon - food, drinks and fun after! Anyone is welcome to come out and join us - since it's also Father's Day - feel free to bring your dads/kids and make a fun day of it at the beach! And get one last WOD in with Steph before she ventures to Germany for the next 3 years! She has been a member of the Compound family for quite some time and will definitely be missed!
12 Minutes to establish a 1RM Push Press
For Time:
20 Calorie Row
30 Burpees
40 GHD Sit-ups
50 Kettle bell Swings 70/53
60 Slam Balls 30/20

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

15 Minutes to find 3RM Overhead Squat
Wall Ball 20/14
GHD Back Extension
*Class Schedule Change*
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Classes will remain the same. The only change in the schedule will be Tuesday and Thursday. Instead of  9am on Tuesday and Thursday, there will be a 730am. This will go into affect the week of 5/20. If you voted for the 730am make sure you show up. Popularity will keep this class around!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

 Barbell Work:
Power Clean + Push Jerk: 3X1 @ 70%, 3X1 @ 75%, 2X1 @ 80% – rest 60 sec.
20 Burpee Pull-ups
15 Rounds
2 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
4 Toes to bar
10 Burpee Pull-ups

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

4x10 Bench Press-Heaviest Possible
Rest 2 minutes between sets
6 minute AMRAP
6 Slam Balls 30/20
6 Front Rack Walking Lunges 135/95
-Rest 3 Minutes-
4 Minute AMRAP
4 Slam Balls 30/20
4 Front Rack Walking Lunges 135/95
-Rest 2 minutes-
2 minute AMRAP
2 Slam Balls 30/20
2 Front Rack Walking Lunges 135/95

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

 5 Deficite handstand push-ups
10 Toes through rings
20 pound Medicine ball cleans, 15 reps
Narcotics Detective and Special Assignment Unit Operator Carlos Ledesma, 34, of the Chandler Police Department, Chandler, Arizona, was shot and killed by drug dealers on July 28, 2010, during an undercover operation in Phoenix, Arizona. He is survived by his wife Sherry and sons Luciano and Elijo.

Monday, May 6, 2013

15 Minutes to establish 1RM Barbell  Turkish Get-up
( Must do one rep each arm)
10 Minute AMRAP
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans 50/30
30 Double Unders

Sunday, May 5, 2013

EMOM for 5 minutes
5 Deadlifts @ 75% of 1RM
For Time:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Pull-ups
20 Burpees
15 Thrusters 135/95
15 Pull-ups
15 Burpees
10 Thrusters 155/105
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

5X5 Tempo HBBS @ 75% – rest 90 sec.
 *Quick descent, 3 seconds in the rock bottom, bounce and quick back up*
10 minute AMRAP
2 Power Clean and Jerk 185/120
 1 Rope Climb