10 Minutes to establish 1RM Split Jerk
1a) 3 x ME GHD Sit-Up in 45 seconds
1b) 3 x ME KB Swing in 45 seconds 53/35
1c) 3 x 45 second Handstand Hold
*Rest 30 seconds between exercises*
10 Minute AMRAP
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats 120/80
10 Muscle Ups
** 13.2 is officially done and done!! **
This weekend at Crossfit 757 we almost had a Compounder in every single one of the heats! A lot of us showed up and threw down giving it everything we had. Whether you guys hit your goal this week or not, keep those heads high there are still 3 workouts to continue to prove your fitness. For the remainder of the open, the top 3 Men and Women from that week will be posted every Tuesday for everyone to see!! If you were a few reps shy of getting in that top 3 remember, every single rep counts in this competition. It is a game of inches so make sure you lay it all on the line!
Top 3 Men: Top 3 Women:
1.) Ryan Knutson- 300 Reps 1.) Mackenzi Powers- 251 Reps
2.) Ryan Allday- 291 Reps 2.) Aretha Porter- 245 Reps
3.) Anthony Briel- 288 Reps 3.) Nikki Monroe- 244 Reps
These are the standings for 13.2 here at Compound Crossfit!! Keep training hard and fight for a top 3 spot during 13.3!!